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Extend Mode


This mode can be entered by pressing f (Qwerty), it is a short-lived mode where the next keypress leads to one of the following:

  1. Surround-related actions
  2. Extending selection



This is a group of actions that is related to "surround" or "enclosures".

AroundSelect around <x>
InsideSelect inside <x>
Delete SurroundDelete surrounding <x>
Change SurroundChange surrounding <x> to <y>
SurroundSurround current selection with <x>
Select AllSelect the from first until the last selection of the current selection mode (use with Line to select the whole file).

<x> or <y> can be one of the following:

  • () Parenthesis
  • {} Curly Brace
  • [] Square Bracket
  • <> Angular Bracket
  • ' Single Quote
  • " Double Quote
  • ` Backtick

Extending selection

This is used for extending the current selection.

For example, selecting multiple words or multiple lines.

It behaves more or less the same as click-and-drag in the textbox or text area of common GUI applications, but imagine being able to tune both ends, unlike using a mouse where an incorrect selection means you have to start over again.

When selection extension is enabled:

  1. Each selection is composed of two ranges (originally one range).
  2. There's only one moveable range at a time.
  3. Every character between the two ranges, including the two ranges, is selected
  4. Selection-wise actions work on the extended range
  5. Press ESC to disable selection extension